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Sunday Worship
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At noon on Sunday many of us went to the Presbyterian Church in Ramelton for worship.
Many of our ancestors had belonged to Presbyterian churches in Ramelton and other towns in the vicinity.
(Francis Makemie, who is regarded as "The Father of American Presbyterianism", was a native of Ramelton who went to the colonies in1683.)
Click on the thumbnail photos for a larger view.

Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship

Ramelton Presbyterian Church.

Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship

After the service.

Sunday Worship

World War I memorial plaque with some Malseed names.

Sunday Worship

Larry Schweiger (right) meets recently discovered cousin, Ian Herron.

Sunday Worship

Historic communion utensils from the 3 Ramelton Presbyterian churches.

Page last updated: 14 March 2007

   Robert A. Malseed  (Webmaster)    E-Mail: Robert's e-mail address