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Killydonnell Friary
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After we left Ramelton on Sunday afternoon we stopped at Killydonnell Friary on the shore of Lough Swilly.  Although the buildings are in ruins, the cemetery is still in use.  John Malseed's parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents are buried there.
Click on the thumbnail photos for a larger view.

Killydonnell Friary

The story of the Friary.

Killydonnell Friary


Killydonnell Friary

This could be the most Malseeds who have gathered here since John's ancestors were buried.

Killydonnell Friary

Looking at John's ancestors' graves.

Killydonnell Friary

Malseed graves (rear), Sterritt (Starrett) grave (front). Larry Schweiger is a Malseed/Starrett descendant.

Killydonnell Friary

Grave of Stewart Malseed family.

Killydonnell Friary

John with parents and grandparents graves on right, great-grandparents on left.

Killydonnell Friary

Story of the Friary.

Killydonnell Friary

Grandparents of Violet Hatrick Griffiths who was at the reunion.

Killydonnell Friary

By the Swilly.

Killydonnell Friary

By the Swilly

Killydonnell Friary

Our group departing the Friary.

Killydonnell Friary

Celtic cross.

Page last updated: 14 March 2007

   Robert A. Malseed  (Webmaster)    E-Mail: Robert's e-mail address