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The second
Australian Malseed Family Reunion was held in Portland, Victoria, on Saturday, 3 April
1999, to celebrate 150 years of Malseeds in Australia.
See photos
Here is an article from the Portland Observer, an Australian Newspaper.
(Thanks to Ian McLeod)
Tony Malseed was organising committee chairman.
Here is an article from a Donegal, Ireland, newspaper.
(Thanks to Jim Maultsaid)
Meet the Malseeds from 'down under'
The Malseeds are alive and thriving in Australia. We received the following email from Anthony Malseed describing the reunion and the clan's ancestry which traces back to Rathmullan.
More than three hundred people attended a Malseed family reunion in Portland on the southern coast of Australia at the weekend. The original Malseed family migrated from Donegal in 1849 to escape the Potato Famine. Since the Malseeds marked their 100th year in 1949, they have met every 25 years in the Portland region.
James and Ann Malseed (nee Thompson), the parents of the original five ancestors, John, Stewart, Robert, Eliza, and James Malseed, are buried in the Rathmullan Church of Ireland cemetery. The Malseed family has grown into a sizable clan in this region, although the reunion attracted people from many parts of Australia. Many of the older generation of Malseeds have farmed in this region farming sheep, cattle, and some cropping of cereal crops. The younger generations have branched into many professional areas these days, although farming still plays a big part in the families livelihoods.
The oldest descendant at the reunion, Mrs Ivy Malseed, 88, has lived in this region all her life and for 66 years on the same property called Magpie, near Portland. The reunion chairman, Mr Tony Malseed, said a display of memorabilia attracted widespread interest. He said there was a vast quantity of information which had been painstakingly researched by a number of family members which had been lying in the bottom of cupboards. The reunion was a great opportunity to educate all, but particularly the younger members of the family of their heritage.
A family tree which will now be completed was a highlight of the day. Mr Malseed said this would enable future generations to have a clear and undisputed knowledge of their genealogy. There was a sports afternoon in the reunion program where youngsters and older members of the family raced on the foreshore of Portland beach, followed by an awards ceremony. An identical program was held at the 1949 reunion.
Another colourful highlight of the day was a visit from the Portland Town Crier, Mr Syd Cuffe, who read poems written by Malseed descendants for the first reunion and a later composition. Souvenir pens and mugs were struck for the occasion and sold to people during the day. Further information on the Malseed Family's in Australia can be obtained from Tony Malseed, RMB 2099, Heywood, 3304, Victoria, Australia. Email, Anthmal@connect.net.au. He would also be interested in hearing from any Malseeds living in the Donegal region.
(Note - Tony Malseed has since moved to Queensland.)
Click to enlarge certificate.
Reunion Mug. Click to enlarge the picture.
Some mugs are still available. Contact the webmaster for
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Page Last Updated:
14 March 2007